I am especially finding that during these times having a routine helps me. When things are new and always changing a lot, so extreme, like we have all been experiencing this past year, having meaningful ways to organize your day helps. It takes away the what am I going to do today? ... into... I get to make choices about what I would like to do today. And, I get to change them as needed too.
My routine is the kindling that warms my true desire to have a meaningful day. It warms up my body, mind and spirit for my day and my practice. I am not a robot about my routine! It is an organic, flowing, creative expression of who I am. It gets tweaked often to best serve me and my life. So, I review and change my routine each week.
My routine is an integral part of what makes my day and life a good one. It is about making choices that are meaningful to me and choosing how I spend my time. Having a routine gives my day organization, time for just being present, doing the things I feel are important, evaluating, making progress forward and creating a meaningful life.... so that is why I follow it.
What is your "routine" ?
You may say I don't have a routine? But, we all do have things that we do routinely. We wake up, we get ready for the day, we have meals, we work or go to school or care for family... we sleep... It really is a matter of...
What are we routinely doing consciously?

Creating a Conscious Routine:
1. Become aware of what you do during your day & week.
Choose a day or a week and write down everything that you do by the 1/2 hour.
How you start your day matters. Most successful people have a personal plan for their mornings.
This will create an awareness of how you are spending your precious time.
2. Get to know, make some choices about your priorities.
What are the things you do regularly? Wake, get ready for day, eat, sleep, work/school... Start a list for these things. When do you do these things each day?
Next prioritize the things that are truly important to you. What are they? Write them down and know what they are.
What are the other things that you want or need to do during your week. When, where...?
3. Select a day to create your Routine each week.
I like Sundays, as we usually have time to look ahead for the week. choose a day that works for you to create your routine for the week ahead.
Choose how you would like to do this with the information you have gathered. Paper journal or calendar, Computer calendar, Large easel , White Board...
Use this to create a routine that works for you and your week :-)
So we have a Life Routine... Now...
Creating a Practice Routine:

How will you teach yourself today?
We can use similar ideas as above. :-)
1. Become aware of what you are doing in your practice.
Write down what you are doing during each 15 minutes of practice.
Track this for a few days in your practice.
Video record your practice and watch it and see what you are doing. Write down the elements of your practice.
2. Get to know, make choices about your priorities.
What are the things you do regularly?
Next prioritize the things that are truly important to you. What are they? Write them down and know what they are. (For example, warm up body, sound, technique, etudes, pieces, listening...)
What are the other things that you want or need to do during your week. ( notes from your teacher, lesson time, auditions, competitions, concerts, masterclasses, studio class...) When, where, how...?
3. Select a day to create your Practice routine each week.
I like Sundays, as we usually have time to look ahead for the week. choose a day that works for you to create your routine for the week ahead.
Choose how you would like to organize your week. Do this with the information you have gathered. Paper journal or calendar, Computer calendar, Large easel , White Board...
Use this to create a practice routine that works for you and your week :-)

Here is one that I have created:
Is an organized practice that I have created to guide your daily routine. To support you in learning to design a wholistic practice that is unique for you and your life!
This may be a great place to start and give your practice organization while you are creating the rest of your life routine.
How I changed it up recently!!!
What I read 1st thing in the morning for spiritual guidance. Right now I am in the middle of Pema Chodron - Welcoming the Unwelcome
My exercise wanting something that touches my soul and my physical being and am doing a Shaolin Kung Fu workout in the mornings now.
Added some Jazz into my practice routine - learning something new. Nicola Rizzo - Jazz Work out
Volunteering at Brown Bag Ministries in Denver.