I was walking by a playground a few years ago... back in the day when their were children playing in the school play grounds...
I noticed how the elementary school children were all playing games... in groups (with a few all by them self too), playing different roles, with unique games and rules to their games.
This scene reminded me of how good it is to think of our Practice as more of the Play that is can be...
So I was curious about this, and wrote down all the ways I saw them playing and how we all practice...
And, came up with Practice as a Playground, that we can take on the roles, and play a practice game in each of these Play Stations.
We each have a place of comfort that we tend to play in... What is your play station- practice playground?
How about stepping into some new playgrounds of practice?
Here are 12 Play Stations to be Curious about and Consider for your Playful Practice. Free PDF
1. Dreamers
Dream, wander, wonder, and sit quietly.
Actively use and engage their imagination.
Have a vibrant inner world and may be introverted.
Reflect and review their life and life…
Journal about what they are thinking, feeling, learning and dreaming about.
Listen inside, to hear and know them self.
Enjoy the Silence.
May Meditate.
Play is
Solo and alone, even if in a group.
2. Movers
Are in their body and move to express them self.
They feel the rhythm and pulse of life in their bodies.
Move to the music they are practicing, while playing or listening to it.
Free movement, Improvisation.
Dance & Choreograph the music.
Use a ball, trampoline, or?
Practice Yoga, Dalcroze, Alexander, Tai Chi, swim, run… and other forms of movement.
Play can be
solo or in
3. Breathers
Are aware of and play with how thier breath moves.
Ideas they play with and practice are:
Observing their breath, in & out, receive & give…
Yoga Breathing
See my article The Play of Breath.
Emotional effect on breathing.
Flute breathing.
May use:
Breathing Bags
Breathing Tubes
Other breathing devices.
Paper on the Wall
Play can be
solo or in
4. Challengers
Make up games and play that challenges themselves and others. Create competition.
(competition= to seek together)
Challenge themselves to attain their personal best and highest goals.
Musical Challenges could be:
the fastest most virtuosic scales and musical patterns, the longest most beautiful note,
learning the most difficult Etudes.
Competes in Competitions.
Takes Auditions.
Play is with others.
5. Sounders
Are curios and freely make
On their Flute:
Experiments with any and all kinds of sounds that are free and improvisatory.
Flute and Voice:
Use their flute and their voice to create sound and vocal effects.
With their Voice:
Vocalize any phrase or music they are playing/practicing.
Sings the music they are playing, practicing.
Freely express them self using voice and flute.
Play is both alone and in groups.
6. Creators
Experiment, question, play and have their own ideas, vision of what they want to Create.
Enjoy doing things their unique way.
Recording Artist:
Creating their own recordings & videos.
Writing their own exercises, music,
Writing their own pedagogy books or thoughts on music and the flute.
Making flutes, head joints,
and music tools, and apps…
7. Teachers
Enjoy and are curious about the process of learning and teaching it to them self and others.
Profess ideas and enjoy sharing with others.
How am I teaching myself?
How do others learn?
How do I teach this to another?
What is another way to learn and to teach this?
May be the leader in a group, a bit bossy… :-)
Play involves both thinking about this alone and sharing with another or in a group.
8. Talkers
Converse and talk about what they are doing, and how they are or are going to do it.
Sharing with another about their play, practice & goals.
Talk about:
Pieces they are learning.
Their teacher and their lessons.
What flutist/music they are listening to.
The Master Class they are in.
How their practice is going.
Plays in pairs or groups.
9. Groupies
Do things in Groups. Thrive in and love the group energy.
Making music or learning together via:
Chamber Music:
Duo’s, trio, quartets, flute choirs, etc.
Large Ensembles:
Orchestra, Wind Ensembles and…
Master Classes: Learning,
studying, performing, collaborating.
Studio Classes:
Learn, perform, communicate, collaborate, connect, support, compete and learn together.
Play in groups.
10. Techies
Use technology in their play, practice and performances.
Enjoy the use of what is new.
Some of the things they use are:
Video Cameras
Sound pedals
Play is alone and in groups.
11. Performers/Actors
Perform for their audiences. Enjoy being in Character/s.
Are in the Play of the moment.
Enjoy the generous feeling and energy they give and receive while performing.
Enjoy being their whole self and exploring and expanding who and what that is.
Create the freedom in themselves to be that BIG on stage.
Play can be alone, in front of a mirror, recordings device or for and with groups.
12. Study-ers
Study is a part of their play and practice. Love to learn, curious and are life long learners.
They Study:
Flutists and their own practice & performances.