Coming soon,
Virtual Online Course!!!

21 days is the ideal number for creating & establishing new habits!
Get the detailed guidance and support you deserve to realize your potential.
3 weeks of Creative Practice that will support you in creating the habits of: discipline, dedication, delight and the determination you need to make them stick.
✔️ 7 Elements of Creative Practice
✔️ 21 Daily Practice Designs
✔️ Weekly Zoom Group
✔️ 1 Personal Coaching Session
Organizing and Designing your Practice Life
Sound, Technique, Melody and Etude Exercises
Creative Practice Ideas
Mindfulness & Motivation
Breathing and Body Ideas
Videos for all parts of the Practice Course
Guest Videos and their Practices
Links for Resources
Each Week will include:
Daily Practice Designs: PDF's, Videos, Links, Resources
Weekly Group Zoom Class
Schedule one 30 minute Coaching Session with Jennifer Keeney, to design your next personal Creative Practice Design.